Running an online business will get you close to a wide number of technology concepts and solutions like load balancing. The best is to get familiar with them, but don’t get overwhelmed! The objective is to understand if you need them now or if they will be a solution for you in the future.

Load balancing – Definition

Load balancing is a method to distribute traffic loads among multiple servers. You may have observed a server of your network stressed by the excessive workload and maybe others being barely demanded. Load balancing’s objective is to distribute the work to make your processes more efficient and your traffic more agile. There are different load balancers (technologies) on the menu. You can study them and choose the best option for your business needs.

How does Load balancing work?

Applications, services, networks, and websites can improve their overall performance and security through the use of load balancing.

Load balancing: Do I need it?

Well, I do hope you need it because that would mean your traffic has grown a lot, just like your revenue, so you need an extra hand to manage it. But let’s analyze more in detail if you need it or not.

Are your DNS servers struggling with the traffic?

A DNS server, or more, experiencing stress due to a workload that exceeds its resources and capabilities can affect the general performance of your online business. Sluggishness will be a clear symptom, and users will hate it! DNS queries will take longer to be answered, they can be dropped in a serious case of saturation, and the server can crash. Time and money for fixing the situation can be higher than preventing it through a quality load balancer.

Do you run an international business?

International businesses receive non-stop DNS queries from clients around the world. This is a hard job for servers, but it can be well managed with load balancing. You will avoid bottlenecks and latency. Speeding up this will positively impact your business performance.

Are you ready to handle traffic spikes?

Traffic spikes can surprise you, or they can be expected if caused by product seasonality or a special sale. In any case, you need load balancing to handle them, or they can cripple your website.

Do you have DDoS protection?

High traffic and sudden spikes can also be caused by volumetric attacks. To withstand and manage heavy traffic without load balancing seems an impossible mission.

Recommended article: What do you need to know about DDoS Protected DNS service?

Are you offering the best experience to your clients?

The way load balancing speeds up processes and enhances performance is not to be ignored. If your website’s performance is not good, improve it with this solution. If it’s ok, make it excellent!


Load balancing is a smart and very useful decision if your traffic already grew big. Its positive effect on sites and networks performance and security are reasons enough to include it in your team (infrastructure). Success can be just right around the corner, and you want to be ready to handle it, don’t you?

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