Running an online business will get you close to a wide number of technology concepts and solutions like load balancing. The best is to get familiar with them, but don’t get overwhelmed! The objective is to understand if you need them now or if they will be a solution for you in the future.

Load balancing – Definition

Load balancing is a method to distribute traffic loads among multiple servers. You may have observed a server of your network stressed by the excessive workload and maybe others being barely demanded. Load balancing’s objective is to distribute the work to make your processes more efficient and your traffic more agile. There are different load balancers (technologies) on the menu. You can study them and choose the best option for your business needs.

How does Load balancing work?

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Meaning of DDoS attack

A DDoS attack, also known as a Distributed Denial of Service attack, is a major cyber threat that cybercriminals frequently launch against their targets. They overwhelm the victim’s server, system, or network due to this cyber-attack. A botnet of devices, commonly known as a DDoS attack, sends enormous amounts of fake traffic to the target as part of the DDoS attack. The victim is eventually saturated, rendering them unable to function.

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