Additional security is always welcome and never a waste! We live in a very dangerous cyber world. When you check the number of threats on the Internet and the statistics they produce, enhancing your security makes total sense. So what does it mean to get additional security with a Secondary DNS service? Here you have the answer!

What is a Secondary DNS service?

Secondary DNS is a type of DNS service that allows you to add another name server or a network of multiple name servers to save copies of the zone file that include the DNS records of your domain. These copies can’t be modified. You can set up this extra name server (or name servers) to copy, automatically, the DNS records (A, SOA, NS, MX, PTR, DS, TXT, etc.) from the Primary DNS.

An outstanding Secondary DNS service that is worth your attention!

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Running an online business will get you close to a wide number of technology concepts and solutions like load balancing. The best is to get familiar with them, but don’t get overwhelmed! The objective is to understand if you need them now or if they will be a solution for you in the future.

Load balancing – Definition

Load balancing is a method to distribute traffic loads among multiple servers. You may have observed a server of your network stressed by the excessive workload and maybe others being barely demanded. Load balancing’s objective is to distribute the work to make your processes more efficient and your traffic more agile. There are different load balancers (technologies) on the menu. You can study them and choose the best option for your business needs.

How does Load balancing work?

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